The students in my lab work on a broad range of topics, but generally focus on issues of habitat connectivity and wetland ecology
current students
Danielle Carter
Danielle used stable isotope enrichment techniques to track the movement of shoredrift into terrestrial food webs on islands in the Gulf of California. She is working an analysis/writing right now, while also taking on a new role as educator at the Seattle Aquarium!
Rebecca Schwartz
Becky is finishing up her work studying trends in the southern California sport fishing catch over the last 70 years, and how those patterns relate to both anthropogenic and environmental parameters. She also serves as San Diego Audubon's Conservation Program Manager.
Katie Blaha-Robinson
Katie is a 2nd year graduate student studying salt marsh habitats through the exciting life history of the California Killifish. She uses gut content and stable isotope analysis to examine differences in diet between a natural and created marsh.
Lisa Robison
Lisa is studying the habitat connectivity of California killifish and Diamond turbot in San Diego wetlands, using otolith microchemical analysis. Passionate about marine ecology and conservation, her research focuses on how marine species respond to changes in their environment.
Marisol Palomares
Marisol is a first year grad student interested in algal wrack on sandy beaches, and the organisms that use this wrack. Originally from Texas, she enjoys both studying and eating seaweed.
Anai Novoa
Jayna Borja
Ric DeSantiago