the gulf of california is an amazing place to teach and learn

Basic ecology, spatial subsidy, anthropogenic influences, exotic species....I could go on and on, but the opportunities to teach students here are simply phenomenal. Add to that that we work closely with Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas, and we get to integrate management, basic research, and education.

I feel guilty that I get to call this "work".

Sula, Sulas, and students

Amazing time out on the islands in Bahía de los Angeles today, censusing arthropods, spiders, and plants.

Best of all, doing it with A) eager students from Ocean Discovery Institute, who are learning first hand how to conduct science B) Dr. Sula Vanderplank, a phenomenal teacher and ecologist who is helping (ok, more really leading) the plant work, and C) surrounded by flocks of Sula nebouxii, the Blue-Footed Boobies. 

Day one of the plant part of the research, and already found species that were previously unreported on the islands we visited. Great science, great people, and an amazing Biosphere Reserve.

Track a scientist

Okay, not nearly as exciting as tracking sea turtles or pelagic fishes, but still fun, I hope.

When I head to Bahía de los Angeles next week, I will bring with me (as I always do) my Spot® tracker. I use this both as a backup to our EPIRB when we are on the water, a possible way to get help when on the road, and a convenient way for my family to see where I am.

This trip, I will open the GPS tracking to anyone who wants to follow it. You should be able to see when I am headed out to the islands, which island I am visiting, and when I head back up the coast. Since we have occasional Internet in the field station (weather and satellites permitting), I hope to, at least a few times, tweet pictures from the field (@drewtalley). Consider it an experiment in social media. Or "Where's Waldo" for science nerds.

Click the image below to check it out (will not be live until Monday, June 22)

Another great summer

I know, you have all been anxiously awaiting my updates. So here goes:

First, I have two San Diego projects this summer, being run by two of my experienced undergrads - Yuri and Megan.

As part of USD's new National Science Foundation REU Program, Yuri will be looking at an invasive clam that has recently been reported in Mission Bay (see here for more info). In related work, Megan will be comparing historical data on resident salt marsh fishes in Mission Bay, and we are already seeing elevated densities of the invasive yellowfin goby (the handsome fish pictured below). 


The *other* Doctor Talley (Theresa) is also doing some work out of my lab, while her building gets refurbished up at Scripps Institution of Oceanography/California Sea Grant. She is working with a student from Mater Dei High School (A neat cooperative between USD and the high school, now headed by Dr. Nathalie Reyns of Environmental and Ocean Sciences, so could not be in more competent hands!), as well as one of our USD undergrads, looking at how plastics travel through our watersheds into the sea, and what effects they might be having. Already some exciting (albeit depressing) beloved Fundulus apparently have quite a taste for plastic, and are consuming lots!

I also will spend a couple of weeks in Bahía de los Angeles with my Graduate Student (Thais) and students and staff from Ocean Discovery Institute, continuing our long-term analysis of the effects of spatial subsidy on island ecosystems. While I am gone, Theresa will be helping out with the fishes and clams, and I will be checking email daily (satellite connection permitting), keeping the projects on track.

So, as usual, a busy but interesting summer, and a GREAT way to kick off my sabbatical!

come visit with #2scientists @panama66sd tonight!

Another fun event slated for tonight (this one is especially good for those of you who live or work near Balboa Park) - the Reuben H. Fleet Museum's "Two Scientists Walk into a Bar" is back! Tonight (Thu May 7) from 6:00 - 8:00, Liz Waters (SDSU, who does some fascinating work on evolution and adaptation) and I (@USDCAS, working on biological oceanography and ecology) will be sitting around at the beautiful Panama66 restaurant next to the San Diego Museum of Art. It is a cool new venue - outdoor seating, and food and drink from the people at Blind Lady Alehouse and Tiger!Tiger!.

Bring a jacket (it is an outdoor venue) and a question about science!

Another great trip

Back from another great trip to Bahía de los Angeles. This was our annual Spring trip, where Ocean Discovery Institute and associated researchers go down to present our results to Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas, make arrangements for boat transportation for the summer research, and train with new staff and students for the field season to come.

Was lucky enough to get to come back in a car with my grad student (Thais) and Shara Fisler (yes, KPBS Women's History Month Local Hero Shara Fisler), so the whole way back was fun, informative, and exciting. No better way to make 11 hours pass by quickly than to spend it with great company.

The rest of our group was not as fortunate - they ended up stuck for a few days south of San Quintín, where the roads had been blocked by protesting farmworkers. Not that I am complaining...I have nothing but sympathy for the farmworker's plight, given their low wages, backbreaking work, and poor treatment. There is a great article on the issue here.

*please* don't let the dean know!

We had a ridiculous amount of fun looking at fish communities along the gradient of flushing along Mission Bay. I fear if Dean Norton sees how much fun we have teaching she might realize she shouldn't pay me so much anymore - it is just too much joy!

So - shhhhhhhhhhh!


from city heights to the white house

This may be a little long, but is a post I have been meaning to write for a while...

Over a decade ago, I started a collaboration with Ocean Discovery Institute (née "Aquatic Adventures"), with no real understanding of how it would transform my science and my life (as well as many others' lives). 

I had been working in Bahía de los Angeles for a few years, helping Drs. Gary Huxel and Paco Piñero to continue the work (and the legacy) of Dr. Gary Polis. But this was the first summer students from Hoover High School worked alongside scientists as part of the BAHIA program, an effort to empower underrepresented minority students through authentic science. 

One of the high school students who worked with me that first year was Anai Novoa. Petite even for a 9th grader, she was an enthusiastic and tireless field assistant. That's her on the far left in the picture below, pretending to attack me with a stick. Besides her love for arthropods, what stood out in Anai was her determination...she was a wrestler at Hoover High, wrestling against the boys. She was indefatigable when it came to climbing the islands and digging pitfall traps in 110° heat. And she always had questions - a seemingly limitless supply of questions about ecology, marine science, and natural history.


Anai ended up going to UCSB for her undergraduate degree, again showing her determination by overcoming a number of challenges along the way. Afterwards, Theresa and I were lucky enough to have her as our graduate student, where she just defended her (very interesting) thesis last week, where she compared historical datasets on wetland bivalves in southern and Baja California to her own present-day sampling (spoiler alert: fewer natives and more invasives!). 

So, in summary - Anai has gone from a resilient kid in City Heights to someone looking at PhD programs (along the way representing Ocean Discovery Institute at the White House for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring award). We could not be prouder!

fish sampling with my students

Last week, for our Biological Oceanography lab, we went out to the local marsh to do some fish sampling. Besides my joy at getting to play with hundreds of Fundulus and slogging through the marsh, I was also out there with a great cohort of grad students and some of the most enthusiastic undergrads I have had the pleasure of working with. 

Difficult to find much to complain about when one's vocation and avocation line up so perfectly.